MacroPod One Hardware


The Digispark Attiny85 is a small, low-cost microcontroller board that is compatible with the Arduino IDE. It is based on the ATtiny85 chip and comes with a USB connector, which allows it to be easily programmed and powered. Despite its small size, the Digispark Attiny85 is capable of running a wide range of programs and can be used for a variety of projects, such as controlling LEDs, motors, and sensors. It also has a number of built-in features, such as PWM output, analog-to-digital conversion, and support for I2C and SPI communication protocols. Its compact size makes it an ideal choice for projects where space is limited or portability is required. You can learn more about Attiny85 here. Below are the schematic, PCB and Gerber files which we made using EasyEDA. You can check the tutorials on how to design in Easy EDA HERE





Gerber File: File


This project is under active development.